Welcome to GOODEness Gracious

We're cooking up all kinds of GOODe things with a side of life! Come on in and check out our recipes, freezer cooking, super mommy secrets and common sense commentary on the GOODe life.


Come chill with me, baby, as we cook up a month's worth of family meals in just one day. So come on into my kitchen. We'll give you all the freezer cooking tips, tricks and recipes.

Goode and Gooseberry Patch Project

Join me as I cook my way through Gooseberry Patch's Cookbook--Mom's Favorite Recipes a la the Julie/Julia project.

Super Mommy Secrets

The world is full of Super Moms just like you that make the world go round. From play rooms to board rooms, check out how my Super Mommy friends make it all happen.

It's a GOODe Life

Life is made up of moments. The funny. The ordinary. The frustrating. Join us as we share a few of ours while we live the GOODe life in the hills of Indiana.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's a Goode Life: Stop, Potty Time!

Miss Add followed me into the bathroom the other day. (Don't worry--the following story is rated G and about Add not me...lol.) Pretty soon she asked to go potty. MOMMY SCORE!  Toddler interest in the potty... it is almost as exciting as Christmas. 

Now don't get TOO excited, this was just one of a handful of let's SIT on the potty moments--which ARE monumental--but, it was not a let's USE the potty... but hey--we're getting somewhere.

Oh and if I hear one more time--Well little Bobby was potty trained at something like 9 weeks-- I am going to poke my eyes out...seriously! Like that is helpful (or truthful). Besides my Baby Center bulletin (kid rearin' bible that it is) tells me to relax... it might take up to 4 years...  really? ... seriously?  How come that doesn't make me feel any better?  Anyhow, the moral of the story was it will all happen in good time and there is no point in forcing it.  So, for now-- easy does it is my approach.  Now talk to me when I am the only mommy with a kindergartener in diapers...just kiddin'

Back to the bathroom story-- Add was pretend pottying which led to a pretend need to wipe.  I'm tellin' ya my gal will be a pro once she finally takes the plunge--ewww poor choice of words given the topic-- Anyhow, she asked for some toliet paper and then our conversation digressed into a rainman like conversation:

"Mommy, wipe please"

"Oh, would you like some toliet paper?"

"Toliet paper, light bulbs, asdfkja;fj (words I couldn't understand) and crayons!"


"Wipe please"

"Ok, here is some toliet paper???"

"Toliet paper, light bulbs, asdfkja;fj (words I couldn't understand) and crayons!"


"Toliet paper, light bulbs, asdfkja;fj (words I couldn't understand) and crayons!"

At this point I give up until her father gets home to interpret.  I am beyond confused and I am perplexed as to what it all could mean.  Because you know when a two year old speaks or does anything there is usually some deep meaning...lol! There is a little part of me that is even concerned... it was like she turned into a little robot.

"Toliet paper, light bulbs, asdfkja;fj (words I couldn't understand) and crayons!" --(insert Valley of the Dolls voice-over here)

Well daddy (otherwise known as our hero around here) came home and I immediately brought Addie to him.

"Tell daddy"


"Tell daddy... ya know about the toliet paper"

Daddy looks super confused and the robot chimes right in:

"Toliet paper, light bulbs, asdfkja;fj (words I couldn't understand) and crayons!"

"Oh" and he chuckles.

"Oh, oh WHAT!" says the mom who managed to take the most mundane event and turn it in to a possible sign that something could be wrong with her baby in a matter of an hour.  "What is she saying???"

"Toliet paper, light bulbs, socks for Rosie and crayons."

Addie then chimes in " Yeah! Toliet paper, light bulbs, socks for Rosie and crayons!"

Finally, someone understood her...

"Oh!" I chuckle.

In our house that was all that had to be said for me to realize all is well with my little robot. For all you non-preschool readers, Rosie (the sock needer) is Caillou's little sister and the list Miss Add was reciting was Caillou's shopping list for his daddy.  Ya see, around her Caillou, Rosie, Gilbert and Mr. Hinkle are all pretty much real and it only made total sense for Add to share the shopping list with us so we wouldn't forget.

And yet, when her daddy took her to Lowes this week, he forgot and asked her what they should get at the store. Without missing a beat Miss Add says... you guessed it:

"Toliet paper, light bulbs, socks for Rosie and crayons!"
If only daddy had stuck to the list at Lowes... but that is another story for another day.

But regardless, The Toliet Paper Crisis of 09 has been averted... and given the name of said crisis...this could have been a much different (and disgusting) story.

My girl and our hero... Daddy ;)

4 GOODe Thoughts:

I'm sure that living some of these events isn't always fun, but the good cheer you put into your recounting of them makes reading your blog a really edifying experience. Thanks for sharing. I love you guys.

Liv was nearly 4 yrs old when we FINALLY convinced her to use the potty. I seriously thought I was going to have to hold her back from school or send her with her own diaper bag! haha! The whole time I had "older" family members hollering "So & So was potty trained by the time they were 2 weeks old" (Well not that soon, but you know what I mean). Looking back now it really wasn't worth all the stressing out I did about it...Glad your Addie is at least showing an interest!

Thanks guys! We will get there...eventually.

This blog has turned out to be such a blessing. It started out as a journal/scrapbook for our little family and has turned out to be so much more. It is helping keep in touch with lots of friends and extended family.

Thanks for reading!

Liv was nearly 4 yrs old when we FINALLY convinced her to use the potty. I seriously thought I was going to have to hold her back from school or send her with her own diaper bag! haha! The whole time I had "older" family members hollering "So & So was potty trained by the time they were 2 weeks old" (Well not that soon, but you know what I mean). Looking back now it really wasn't worth all the stressing out I did about it...Glad your Addie is at least showing an interest!

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