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Goode and Gooseberry Patch Project

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Goode Tradition: The Punkin' Patch

Every year our little family ventures out to our local punkin' patch to pick some pumpkins (shocker right... bet you thought we were pickin' cantaloupe;)

In all seriousness, it is truly one of my favorite times of year.  This year we have went all out and out with agritourism corn mazes, hay bale mountains, apple pickin', etc. However, last weekend was our traditional trip to the very first pumpkin patch we ever went to together as a family --see 3 mth old Addie above. 

That sure is a big ole punkin' for such a lil' punkin... wonder what we did with those two punkins???

Oh yeah, that's right we made ourselves some punkin soup :)

Sorry, I think I am taking a tiny detour trip down memory lane. Back to your regular scheduled program in just a few.

Last year Add was a little more active (but yet equally adorable:) ) and a whole lot of fun. She loved all the punkins and running around in the corn maze.
I can't get over how different she looks.  It is hard to believe that is the same little girl!

I would dare Daddy to try this one now that she could whoop him...lol! BTW-- Mama was not happy during this shot. I can still hear my nagging and that was a year ago!

While the past two years were fun, this year was the best.  Why you might ask?  Well first of all...Gilbert went with us.  Ain't nothin' like experiencing a stuffed cat's first trip to the punkin' patch.

Poor Gilbert (psst #2) didn't get the best seat on the hay ride.  And, he was he got an interesting...err... tour of the patch...

Gilbert really liked the punkin' patch (and his subsequent whirl in the spin cycle while #3 saw to Addie).

Sidenote: I just realized... when Add gets old enough to read this it is going to rock her world that there were technically 3 Gilberts... but hey a mama's gotta do what a mama's gotta do.

Anyhow... back to our trip... Addie loved the patch too.  Or should I say the running.  That child ran all over the patch. She was having an absolute ball! 

She really liked the green pumpkins... I think it was because they weren't like all the others. I love the way her little mind works.

However, when it came time to choose just one...

She (and Gilbert) chose the cutest little orange punkin' that they wouldn't even charge us for because it was so small! Mike tried to explain that ity bitty punkin was the whole point of the trip... but they wouldn't let him pay for it... lol!

--sniff-- how come the punkins are getting smaller and my punkin' is getting bigger?

4 GOODe Thoughts:

When I was little my doll of choice was a "Joey Doll". He was a little boy doll that had real hair and shoes you could tie. I still have him in a tote under my bed. He got SO dirty with me packing him everywhere, AND I twisted his hair to go to sleep so it had mostly fell out, AND I teethed on his plastic fingers so they are mostly missing, AND...well you get the idea. So when I was about 4 or 5 mom & dad decided to send him to santa to get cleaned up. In the end they nearly had to search the entire country over to find a replacement which I promptly decided was just not the same. Today I have kept both, but my first one still means the most. Be glad you thought of the 3 Gilberts now rather than later when Gilberts are harder to find...and Addie? Well, she'll just be tickled that she had a clean Gilbert to tag along with her on her many adventures!

That is a precious story! My mom told me I better rotate them now or that same thing would happen...lol! So one is on her arm. One is in the wash and the other is in the laundry to be washed...:)

That is a precious story! My mom told me I better rotate them now or that same thing would happen...lol! So one is on her arm. One is in the wash and the other is in the laundry to be washed...:)

When I was little my doll of choice was a "Joey Doll". He was a little boy doll that had real hair and shoes you could tie. I still have him in a tote under my bed. He got SO dirty with me packing him everywhere, AND I twisted his hair to go to sleep so it had mostly fell out, AND I teethed on his plastic fingers so they are mostly missing, AND...well you get the idea. So when I was about 4 or 5 mom & dad decided to send him to santa to get cleaned up. In the end they nearly had to search the entire country over to find a replacement which I promptly decided was just not the same. Today I have kept both, but my first one still means the most. Be glad you thought of the 3 Gilberts now rather than later when Gilberts are harder to find...and Addie? Well, she'll just be tickled that she had a clean Gilbert to tag along with her on her many adventures!

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