Welcome to GOODEness Gracious

We're cooking up all kinds of GOODe things with a side of life! Come on in and check out our recipes, freezer cooking, super mommy secrets and common sense commentary on the GOODe life.


Come chill with me, baby, as we cook up a month's worth of family meals in just one day. So come on into my kitchen. We'll give you all the freezer cooking tips, tricks and recipes.

Goode and Gooseberry Patch Project

Join me as I cook my way through Gooseberry Patch's Cookbook--Mom's Favorite Recipes a la the Julie/Julia project.

Super Mommy Secrets

The world is full of Super Moms just like you that make the world go round. From play rooms to board rooms, check out how my Super Mommy friends make it all happen.

It's a GOODe Life

Life is made up of moments. The funny. The ordinary. The frustrating. Join us as we share a few of ours while we live the GOODe life in the hills of Indiana.

Friday, August 13, 2010

It's a GOODe Life: A Bloggy Cross-Over Day at the Fair ;)

As promised, I am playing a little catch-up with all the fun we have been having! As you know, on Monday Miss Add, MeMaw and I met up with a bunch of my bloggy buddies for our very own Family Fair Days.

We met up and had our days planned with tons of fun and behind the scenes opportunities :)

It is so much fun to go on a bloggy field trip with your bloggy friends :) 

It is like tv show cross-over night... ya know like when Erkel showed up on Full House kind of thing ;) 

If you look closely you'll see yours truly with Frugalista from Frugalista Farmlife to the left and Gal in the Middle bent over talking to Boo from Beyer Beware... Fun, fun, fun!!!

Big thanks to Indiana Soybean Alliance for providing tickets and some of the meals that day.

Before long we were all off to our respective fun family fair activities... Memaw, Add and I went on the Indiana Family of Farmer's Food for Thought Recipe Trail :) More on that later ;)

And then we met back up for lunch back at the Dairy Bar...

Big thanks to Indiana Dairy for all the yummy kids meals for the kiddos and milkshakes for everyone:) MeMaw and I also had yummy food from the Indiana Pork tent thanks to the Indiana Soybean Alliance.

Side note: As a mom whose kiddo orders a lot of grilled cheeses while we are out and about... do you ever wish that you could order a kids meal to get those killer grilled cheeses... dude, they always look so yummy... just sayin'. 

And, yes I will admit to eating her crust from time to time because it looks so dern yummy...

Psst... did you see Miss Leah from Beyer Beware and Miss Heather from 3 Kids and Lots of Pigs ;)

Anyhoo, after lunch Miss Liz from 2 Maids a Milking, a.k.a super awesome Dairy gal to all the kiddos, took us on a tour of the dairy barn. 

On the way over to the barn, Miss Hannah from Off the Cuff and Indypendent posed with Beyer Beware's Princess.

Miss Add talked to Miss Liz all day about getting to "hold" a baby calf...lol

And Miss Liz definitely delivered... big time :)

In the middle of the fun, I didn't notice it, but Boo and Miss Add hit it off...

He's a dairy man ya know, so he was showing her the ropes...

Then Boo and Miss Add learned about how cows are milked and how that milk turns into the milkshakes we ate earlier in the day.

And then trouble started brewin'

Rut Roh...Puddie isn't gonna like this...

Ah, man...

Then it happened...

Shhh! Don't tell Puddie... 

Don't worry Puddie... I think they broke up over a stroller incident later in the day ;)

On our way over to the Indiana Wine Grape Council's booth for our next tour with Fencerow to Fencerow's Miss Jeanette, a.k.a. super woman who was super preggo and a super trooper that day, we got to see some of the fun can creations in honor of the year of pigs!

My favorite by far was the bacon and eggs...

Then we were off to see Miss Jeanette at her booth...

Psst... there is Ott, A. from A Latte with Ott, A. This day is like a Where's Waldo of bloggy pal fun!

Jeannette showed us her new app for Indiana Wineries. It was super cool! Indiana is the first state to have one... even before California!

In the end, Jeanette gave us all a bottle of Traminette--Indiana's Signature State Wine-- from one of the many Indiana wineries that produce it.

Then we were off to see some racin' pigs

Dude... it was H-O-T, HOT out there. 

I overheard some of the farm mamas talking about how those pigs likely had water misters in the back to keep them cool... I know we could have used some in the crowd...lol!

And the race is on....

After the race we needed to cool off and we found my new favorite place to cool off and relax... the Farm Bureau Building.

Now I expected free popcorn and air conditioning, but I didn't expect all of the fun kid activities in that air conditioning to give us mamas a break...

They had a teacher there doing a fun food activity with the kiddos teaching them about what piggies eat.

And, they had TONS of farm toys for the kiddos to play with...

I just heart their building this year. (And no, they aren't paying me to say so...)

We ended the day at the uber cool American Gothic statue. It is breathtaking.

The end ;)

Again, huge thanks to ISA, Indiana Dairy and Indiana Wine for the fun, food and wine for the day!

New Friend Fridays


8 GOODe Thoughts:

WOW! You all did it ALL! Sounds like the kids were troopers during the whole day. What a great experience and a great place for a first date ;-) Hand holding at the fair???? You know how many romances start at the fair???? Just sayin' ;-)

Oh my goodness! So much to see and do!! It looks like you had a wonderful time, and it sure is great that you got to spend some time with fellow bloggers. How fun!!
I love the bacon and eggs too!

So glad you enjoyed the activities of the FB building. We have gotten a lot of great comments about the changes and activities for the kiddos!

Okay, this is way more fun than a human being should be allowed to have! ;-) I love those adorable pics...especially your little girl and the love of her life...well, maybe the love of the minute. SO CUTE!!! Aren't you glad you captured that on your camera! Great post. So fun. :-)

It looks like a fabulously fun day!

Love the "Where's Waldo" moments! As always, your pictures are amazing. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the back view of the statue!

Wow! Sounds like you had quite a busy day. Thanks for sharing all the great pics and I LOVE the hand holding, LOL Have a great weekend.

Wow! Sounds like you had quite a busy day. Thanks for sharing all the great pics and I LOVE the hand holding, LOL Have a great weekend.

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