Welcome to GOODEness Gracious

We're cooking up all kinds of GOODe things with a side of life! Come on in and check out our recipes, freezer cooking, super mommy secrets and common sense commentary on the GOODe life.


Come chill with me, baby, as we cook up a month's worth of family meals in just one day. So come on into my kitchen. We'll give you all the freezer cooking tips, tricks and recipes.

Goode and Gooseberry Patch Project

Join me as I cook my way through Gooseberry Patch's Cookbook--Mom's Favorite Recipes a la the Julie/Julia project.

Super Mommy Secrets

The world is full of Super Moms just like you that make the world go round. From play rooms to board rooms, check out how my Super Mommy friends make it all happen.

It's a GOODe Life

Life is made up of moments. The funny. The ordinary. The frustrating. Join us as we share a few of ours while we live the GOODe life in the hills of Indiana.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's a GOODe Life: Accidents Happen

Funny thing about water balloons...

We all know they take FOREVER to fill up

And yet, only moments to use up in a GOODe water balloon fight ;)

What didn't occur to me is how a 3 year old who adores balloons...

Would react to those precious bundles of joy...

Being smashed to smithereens all over the lawn... by her very mature parents.

She carefully mourned each balloon and picked up the pieces and placed them back in the bucket. 

However, her reaction when I accidentally broke a balloon? 

"It's ok Mommy, accidents happen."

I tried to convince Daddy that was the case when my water balloons would slip and burst on him during the balloon fill-up cease-fires... but he wasn't nearly as forgivin'-- just sayin'

Perhaps Miss Add will enjoy water balloons one day... but one thing is for sure, Mommy and Daddy had a GOODe time in the meantime!

9 GOODe Thoughts:

Ahhhhh...how refreshing,, literally and figuratively!

Oh, that is just adorable!! I remember when our daughter was about your daughter's age and we made (handmade) a pinata for a birthday party. When the older kids were smashing the pinata, she was sitting on a chair, crying that we were killing the pretty bird. (It did seem like a cruel thing, even to me!)

This was a fun and sweet post!

This is great. And I think it's so cute you have this kind of fun with your husband! I love it!

So sweet! I love the pictures of Miss Add!!

Good old fashioned summer fun :)

How fun! I bet you guys had a blast!!! I haven't had a good old fashioned water balloon fight for years!

Nice fill someone in on and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.

How fun! I bet you guys had a blast!!! I haven't had a good old fashioned water balloon fight for years!

This is great. And I think it's so cute you have this kind of fun with your husband! I love it!

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