Welcome to GOODEness Gracious

We're cooking up all kinds of GOODe things with a side of life! Come on in and check out our recipes, freezer cooking, super mommy secrets and common sense commentary on the GOODe life.


Come chill with me, baby, as we cook up a month's worth of family meals in just one day. So come on into my kitchen. We'll give you all the freezer cooking tips, tricks and recipes.

Goode and Gooseberry Patch Project

Join me as I cook my way through Gooseberry Patch's Cookbook--Mom's Favorite Recipes a la the Julie/Julia project.

Super Mommy Secrets

The world is full of Super Moms just like you that make the world go round. From play rooms to board rooms, check out how my Super Mommy friends make it all happen.

It's a GOODe Life

Life is made up of moments. The funny. The ordinary. The frustrating. Join us as we share a few of ours while we live the GOODe life in the hills of Indiana.

Friday, March 26, 2010

GOODe Blessings: I heart bloggin'

Bloggin'. It is a passion of mine if ya can't tell.

I heart bloggin'.

I have always been the type of gal that tells it like I see it.

BTW --I just know if I ruled the world, the world be a lot different... ;) Just sayin'

But these days I find myself really embracing all of the blessings this Lil' Ole blog has brought about for me.

Many people tell me they don't have the kind of time to write a blog or they don't think they have something interesting to write about.

First of all, I don't buy the "nothing interesting". Sorry. There is someone out there passionate about just about anything you can think of...seriously. People get jazzed over the oddest stuff... and it just so happens that the web allows you connect to other folks who get excited about the same things. Who knows, telling your story about your love affair of paper clips might connect you to another fellow office supply fanatic.

Secondly, I will tell you my time secret...

Shhh... it is a secret.

I hide my time making machine in my basement. 

WAIT-- I don't have a basement, so that must not be it.

Nope, I make time by making my blog work for me. What I mean is, my blog is not just another thing on my to do list. Instead, it has become a tool I use to accomplish my goals and desires.

Goals like:

Family and Balance
It encourages me to invest in my family--to seek balance as a working mother. It helps me put the important things first. It has helped me record my family's story--our recipes, adventures, projects and photos. It encourages me to embrace play dates with playdoh.

Friendship and Fellowship
It has introduced (and in some cases re-introduced) me to a lot of great women and blogs that inspire me to be a better mother, wife, person, Christian and friend. The encouragement and interaction I have had, as a direct result of this blog, warms my heart. Your notes, comments and just plain Ole stoppin' by are such a joy.

Accountability and Progress
It holds me accountable to fulfill the things I want to do--be it feed my family or play with my daughter-- and inspires me to do them better. It helps me set goals and feel good about myself and my time investments. It makes me a funner (yes I said funner--more fun just isn't fun to say...so what's the fun in that?)  mom, better wife and more creative woman.

Thought Life
It helps me maintain a positive outlook on life. It forces me to look for the good in people, situations and circumstances but do it in an authentic way that I believe in. It offers me the time to reflect on my world and my God.

I guess what I am trying to say is this blog is a blessing, not a chore. The time spent here is an investment in my life and my family.

And, thank you to all of you who play your part in making it so-- just sayin'

I heart you too :)

1 GOODe Thoughts:

I'm glad you blog too!
We get to share in your days and see your creativity.
Keep on blogging!

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