I am just a tad bit excited... It isn't every week that you get to see
Dora and
The Pioneer Woman in the same week!
Dora +Children's Museum = Miss Add over the moon.
PDub +
road trip with my girlfriends = me over the moon. Check out the T-shirt design I threw together for our little trip :)
I am becoming the woman that finishes books. Sounds odd right?
Well I am an AWESOME book buyer (read:
Amazon addict
), a GREAT book starter and --until recently-- an AWFUL book finisher... just sayin'.
I am always in awe of the folks that read libraries full of books over the course of a year. I usually get about halfway through the book and no matter how awesome it is, I tend to get busy with other things... (reminds me of my housework ethic).
I am also a HUGE believer that you become what you think of yourself... so this week I told myself that I didn't like being a book quitter... and guess what?!? I finished
Brene Brown's
The Gifts of Imperfection
in no time flat.
Speaking of my iPad (she needs a nickname)... Loving reading
book readin' (and
Bible readin') on the iPad... and I hate reading on the computer... it is surprisingly different. Lovin' the
cookbookin' on it too!
As I inch
closer and
closer to a finished kitchen, I am falling in love with her and the functionality she is giving my family. I
stood in the kitchen this evening with Miss Add coloring at the island while I multi-tasked a hundred and one things and I just stopped a minute and had a real mom moment... Like wow... this is what I have always wanted-- the moment not the physical kitchen although it is true that it is becoming my dream kitchen.
I know I owe everyone a post on the big reveal, but she isn't ready for her close-up just yet. We are getting there though.
My Goals/Plans for the week are doing ok... I am not getting to everything on the list everyday, but ya know what? I am feeling TONS better about things because I have goals to strive toward.
I am finding more time to do more of the things I want to do than I had before and that is the point. Maybe I will hit all of them at least one day this week....
The one that is proving to be the hardest???
Bed by midnight. Ugh. I am such a night owl.
I have found some quotes I am collecting to see if they make my inspiration wall. I am keeping them in an adorable little Dayspring Journal I got at Blissdom. Quote junkie that I am... this journal is already quickly becoming such an inspiration. I have collected a lot of quotes from books I am reading... See how one goal is helping another???
Some of my favorites so far (besides some bible verses and all time favorite quotes):
"Perfectionism didn't lead to results. It led to peanut butter." ~ Brene Brown
"The opposite of faith is not doubt, but certainty." ~ Anne Lamott
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~ Howard Thurman
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.~ Psalms 51:12
"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one!" ~ C.S. Lewis
I simply cannot wait to take my sharpies to my office wall! Think I am afraid to mark up my walls with markers???
Think again.
I am trying to drink less of the DC again... It is ok to doubt me... I doubt me too.
However lately I have been craving tea anyhow. Lipton that is... can't get into the snooty teas... wish I could. Tea is supposed to be cold and sugarless to me. I do like a couple of the flavored teas, but I tend to be pretty picky.
Is it odd that I have been wishing that I was a coffee drinker?
Even stopped and smelled the beans at Walmart... you think I am kidding?
Regardless, I just don't think we were made for each other... it is kind of like that scene in a movie where the two platonic best friends finally kiss only to find out there just ain't no chemistry... that'd be me and coffee... sigh.

There are a few things I am heartin' right now that I just gots to share with ya:
John Fischer's Blog. I am so glad I found him online again. HEART his writing. Just giddy that he has an official blog now. Watch my
other blog for an upcoming post on his books and the way they have helped me keep the faith over the years.
My Hubby. He is awesome. He is creative. And, he has been putting a lot of work into aforementioned kitchen. We have been working on it so long that it is easy to lose sight of how much has been done. Thanks Pud!
Children's programming on TV. Shocked? I am continually impressed by the awesome choices we have available these days. Now we don't watch just anything (that is a whole other embarrassing post), but there is wide enough of a selection out there that not only entertains, but also educates. Miss Add gets her TV time and soaks up the knowledge like a sponge. From Dora's Spanish to Team Umizoomi's Math... we've come a long way from Bugs Bunny baby... just sayin'.
Grocery IQ App... LOVE it! Makes grocery lists and coupon clipping a snap.
Dayspring's Cards- I got a slew of them at Blissdom and I have to tell you, they just "get" me... Really. Typically I like blank cards because the written ones don't seem to say what I want to say... but these babies are dead on. Love them!
6 GOODe Thoughts:
Hey Cris!
What an exciting week you have going! Dora? Pioneer Woman? And I LOVE the t-shirt, how awesome!
I didn't realize you were doing a kitchen remodel, bless you my child! I lived through one, and it really needs work done again (it was over 10 years ago, lol!)
I am proud you are finishing books. I started Eat Pray Love a month before the movie came out. I loved the movie, but still haven't finished the book! I used to finish more books, but then I discovered BLOGS!
I love your quotes! I loved Brene's about peanut butter. I love how when you are just reading along and then you realize the line you just read was funny! She has such a dry sense of humor, love, love, love!
Cannot wait to see the kitchen, when she is done! Or to hear about meeting PW!
I really like the t-shirt design. Nice! And I am looking forward to seeing 'the big reveal' re. the kitchen. Nothing better than a good kitchen to work in.
LOVE the shirt! We should make some up for the whole group, sans the PW for those of us who can't make it. The LT. Gov meeting was interesting, and it was great to see Leah, Jeanette, and Beth! More later! Time for bed. I am NOT a night owl! Hoot Hoot to you!
Wait wait wait, you have an iPad now, too? Oh I'm so jealous.
I can't NOT finish a book, no matter how much I hate it. I think you might be better off as a book quitter actually!
Wait wait wait, you have an iPad now, too? Oh I'm so jealous.
I can't NOT finish a book, no matter how much I hate it. I think you might be better off as a book quitter actually!
Hey Cris!
What an exciting week you have going! Dora? Pioneer Woman? And I LOVE the t-shirt, how awesome!
I didn't realize you were doing a kitchen remodel, bless you my child! I lived through one, and it really needs work done again (it was over 10 years ago, lol!)
I am proud you are finishing books. I started Eat Pray Love a month before the movie came out. I loved the movie, but still haven't finished the book! I used to finish more books, but then I discovered BLOGS!
I love your quotes! I loved Brene's about peanut butter. I love how when you are just reading along and then you realize the line you just read was funny! She has such a dry sense of humor, love, love, love!
Cannot wait to see the kitchen, when she is done! Or to hear about meeting PW!
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