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Come chill with me, baby, as we cook up a month's worth of family meals in just one day. So come on into my kitchen. We'll give you all the freezer cooking tips, tricks and recipes.

Goode and Gooseberry Patch Project

Join me as I cook my way through Gooseberry Patch's Cookbook--Mom's Favorite Recipes a la the Julie/Julia project.

Super Mommy Secrets

The world is full of Super Moms just like you that make the world go round. From play rooms to board rooms, check out how my Super Mommy friends make it all happen.

It's a GOODe Life

Life is made up of moments. The funny. The ordinary. The frustrating. Join us as we share a few of ours while we live the GOODe life in the hills of Indiana.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Parmesan Crusted Lamb Chops

Tonight we had a Goode Family first... Lamb Chops.


Which also means it was my first time cooking lamb thanks to Ott, A. and her Iron Chef Challenge this month.

You might recall that last month we broadened our horizons with duck... 

Anyhoo, I relied on some of my trusty dredging agents for this one and game up with a Parmesan Crusted Lamb Chop that tasted quite yummy!

First up, the wet team.

Three eggs and some Lawry's (Approx 1-2 T)

1 T Oyster Sauce and 2 T Shire Sauce

And beat 'er up

And now on to the dry team.

1 1/2 Cups of our favorite bread crumb... Mr. Panko ;)

Add in 1 T Dried Parsley

1 T Kosher Salt

And, about 1/4 Cup fresh grated Parm...

Now, I suppose you could use that powdered stuff... but, can we talk? 

You have really got to try the fresh stuff. Give it a try. Totally worth it... just sayin'

Now that our teams are assembled, grab your chops.

Now take your chops for a dunk.

And flip!

Now toss in the bread crumbs and flip

And dunk again...

And the craziness continues... we flip yet again

Then, you guessed it... bread again and place in a sprayed 9 x 13 pan

Bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes, then flip and bake for 15 more and enjoy!

(NOTE: To print the recipe card only, click on the card and then right click to save or print the card only.)

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3 GOODe Thoughts:

So glad you found some lamb. Where did you find it?

So glad you found some lamb. Where did you find it?

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