Welcome to GOODEness Gracious

We're cooking up all kinds of GOODe things with a side of life! Come on in and check out our recipes, freezer cooking, super mommy secrets and common sense commentary on the GOODe life.


Come chill with me, baby, as we cook up a month's worth of family meals in just one day. So come on into my kitchen. We'll give you all the freezer cooking tips, tricks and recipes.

Goode and Gooseberry Patch Project

Join me as I cook my way through Gooseberry Patch's Cookbook--Mom's Favorite Recipes a la the Julie/Julia project.

Super Mommy Secrets

The world is full of Super Moms just like you that make the world go round. From play rooms to board rooms, check out how my Super Mommy friends make it all happen.

It's a GOODe Life

Life is made up of moments. The funny. The ordinary. The frustrating. Join us as we share a few of ours while we live the GOODe life in the hills of Indiana.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's a GOODe Life: Random is as random does

  • If I were the Aussie Hair Care peeps, I'd be a little perturbed at the purple Herbal Essence line... can't find your own color of purple? Although, I recently saw a joint coupon between the two though, so they must not be too upset. However, truth be told, if I were say a customer who thought she was grabbing her purple Aussie bottle and picked up Herbal Essence instead... I'd be pretty perturbed... just sayin'

  • It is sad when you lose something you once had, wish you had it back and then when you find it again you realize it isn't as great as you had made it out to be in your Ole noggin'... just sayin'

  • I am giving up on shopping all the store ads and stacking coupons. *Hangs her head in shame* It has to be done. My old system doesn't work well with all the stacking and I can't find a new system that I can maintain with any sense of efficiency. This has led to coupon parallelization or limbo. I can't take it anymore.  Power to all you gals that have it figured out. But me, I am going with Walmart and Aldis with my old coupon rituals. In the GOODe Ole Days I still saved at least $20 a trip... and that ain't bad. I tried ladies, I did. But I guess free toothpaste will allude me. I can't be havin' couponin' stressin' me out... just sayin'

  • One of these days I may or may not be takin' a long road trip with let's hypothetically say...oh... a 3 year old. Any advice/activities you would recommend... if something like that were to happen?

  • This summer just won't slow down. I have seen the tree leaves turning -- they must be in cahoots with the schools and shopping centers forcing us into fall with Back to School and Halloween decorations! Just sayin'

  • If you haven't heard, my friends and I are giving away free State Fair Tickets! Check it out!

  • This month's FREEZE-O-RAMA is churning in my head... I know I want to make Aunt Mary's Pork Marynade, Turkey Tetrazzini, Sherry Chicken Marinade, Seasoned Ground Beef and my AWESOME Lean Hamburgers.  (Psst... Sometime this fall I think my bloggy pals and I are going to meet up for a FREEZE-O-RAMA make and trade :))

  • My fridge needs some major cleanin'... just sayin'

  • Ladies and Gentleman-- we are officially potty trained (except at night)! Mommy score! (Here's to hoping I don't regret saying that outloud).

  • Any at home pre-school age materials out there that you would recommend? Miss Add is on a big kick of tracing letters (and writing a few), counting and sounding out words and I'd love to get her some workbooks for little Miss sponge :) One of the books she got for her birthday is a dry erase book... do they make washable dry erase markers???

  • This weekend we are hanging out with a big group of my cousins. Puddie is sooo excited. I do believe there will be a lot of GOODe food and perhaps some guitar pickin'... just sayin'

Well that is it for now! Later gaters ;)

9 GOODe Thoughts:

I'm so impressed with the freeze-o-rama, but my house is a pain in the butt. I'm a vegetarian and Husband isn't. It's a RARE day that we eat the same thing...

I know this is a huge sin, but you might beg borrow or steal a portable DVD player if you don't have one. I always encourage the girls to look out the window and see the sights, and one trip we were just an hour out of Hilton Head when we turned it on, but it was a LIFE SAVER! Also comes in handy if there are traffic issues! MY SIL lets the whole vehicle listen to what is going on the back seat, but my lovely Odyssey (and her's too) came with headphones, and the girls USE them!
I just make sure I cannot hear the sounds coming from their headphones (= too loud in my book of mommy rules!) WARNING: If your Little Miss likes to sing, and she has a video with, say, Barbie singing, expect to be serenaded in a variety of different keys and pitches... just sayin' ;-)

For a fun learn to read website, go to www.starfall.com. It's FREE! You should also check out the leap frog items. They have work books and fun videos! If you are only looking for workbooks, Wal-Mart has them. We have homeschooled for 6 years and that is what I used for my youngest 2!

* I love coupons, but I have never been a coupon stacker or as successful as some moms. In these parts of the world, as you know, we are limited on stores & many miles separate a lot of them. It would cost me more in gas to drive around stacking those coupons than just to go one place & use my $0.30 off coupon. So I COMPLETELY understand!

* For long road trips we encourage Liv to look for unique license plates or signs, play word games or I Spy, or let Liv color or draw (doesn't work if you've got one that gets easily car sick). Maybe you could find an age-appropriate kid map to help her follow along. I'm not a huge fan of throwing a video in, but on a REALLY long trip with one Add's age, I'd use it. Maybe with a sing-a-long video or something that keeps her mind busy.


Hi Cris!
I can relate with the coupon flunk-out! There are supposed to be super easy systems....I've tried those also. Only, I found the 'GREAT' deals were sugar filled cereals, sugar filled fruit snacks, etc.. We just don't eat that way. So, free wasn't actually that great...
Wow! I cannot believe the leaves are starting to change. We are deep into the summer here. I have tomatoes on the vines, but none are ripe yet.
Hope you have a great time with your cousins!!

Coupons- I gave up too, and in some sick way it makes me feel better that you did too!
Road Trip- Does Addie like sing-a-longs? You could look at your local library for CDs (& DVDs!)http://www.momsminivan.com/toddlers.html
Preschool Stuff- Please, don't let her practice holding the pencil/crayons the wrong way! (Former K-5 teacher talking...) For my nephews I've liked PreKindergarten Fundamentals by Rainbow Bridge Publishing and the Big Skills for Little Hands series. (I Can Cut, I Can Trace, I Can Fold & etc)

Coupons- I gave up too, and in some sick way it makes me feel better that you did too!
Road Trip- Does Addie like sing-a-longs? You could look at your local library for CDs (& DVDs!)http://www.momsminivan.com/toddlers.html
Preschool Stuff- Please, don't let her practice holding the pencil/crayons the wrong way! (Former K-5 teacher talking...) For my nephews I've liked PreKindergarten Fundamentals by Rainbow Bridge Publishing and the Big Skills for Little Hands series. (I Can Cut, I Can Trace, I Can Fold & etc)

I know this is a huge sin, but you might beg borrow or steal a portable DVD player if you don't have one. I always encourage the girls to look out the window and see the sights, and one trip we were just an hour out of Hilton Head when we turned it on, but it was a LIFE SAVER! Also comes in handy if there are traffic issues! MY SIL lets the whole vehicle listen to what is going on the back seat, but my lovely Odyssey (and her's too) came with headphones, and the girls USE them!
I just make sure I cannot hear the sounds coming from their headphones (= too loud in my book of mommy rules!) WARNING: If your Little Miss likes to sing, and she has a video with, say, Barbie singing, expect to be serenaded in a variety of different keys and pitches... just sayin' ;-)

I'm so impressed with the freeze-o-rama, but my house is a pain in the butt. I'm a vegetarian and Husband isn't. It's a RARE day that we eat the same thing...

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