Also, we now have a twitter handle! Follow us @realfarmwives.
We're cooking up all kinds of GOODe things with a side of life! Come on in and check out our recipes, freezer cooking, super mommy secrets and common sense commentary on the GOODe life.
Come chill with me, baby, as we cook up a month's worth of family meals in just one day. So come on into my kitchen. We'll give you all the freezer cooking tips, tricks and recipes.
Join me as I cook my way through Gooseberry Patch's Cookbook--Mom's Favorite Recipes a la the Julie/Julia project.
The world is full of Super Moms just like you that make the world go round. From play rooms to board rooms, check out how my Super Mommy friends make it all happen.
Life is made up of moments. The funny. The ordinary. The frustrating. Join us as we share a few of ours while we live the GOODe life in the hills of Indiana.
5 GOODe Thoughts:
Cris, Congrats again!!! so happy for you all!
And yes let's hop around and find all the great posts by the farmwives!!!
Oh my gosh, adorable pics:)
Aw, I love those pics!! Makes me think of the inner-city kids who never have experiences like that, never get to see the wonders of nature we took for granted growing up.
Hmmm...in the pictures I see you trying to coax a calf to eat, then me feeding TWO at once. I think I got ripped on that job! ;) hahaha Love you!
Congrats Cris!! Soooo happy for you!!
Can so relate to the hay! Thankfully I'm not involved to much in the hard work here on the farm, but I've learned all about the timing of baling hay.
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