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Friday, February 5, 2010

Goode TV: Grey Matters

DVRers beware--


McDreamy made an impression on me last night.

While Derek has always been fun to look at on Grey's, I have to admit that I could always pretty much take or leave his character in the story line. Last night that changed.

I really like Chief Derek.

I love that he listened to Bailey (my favorite character).

I love that he was man enough to apologize-- even for things that weren't his fault because it needed to be done.

I love that in the end he treated his staff with respect.

I love that he gave the fired staff a chance to be judged fairly.

I love that he was determined not to destroy the Chief but honor him and his legacy.

Last night, Derek embodied true leadership.

He chose class over prestige.

Team over self-importance.

Mercy over power.

Now next week the writers may ruin this storyline, but I really hope they don't.

Leadership at its best is so fun to watch-- a hero to inspire.  It is fun to watch good people turn into great people under great leadership.

Seattle Grace has been in desperate need of such leadership--if this storyline continues, Grey's should be very fun to watch...

1 GOODe Thoughts:

I totally agree! Now, if only all of our leaders could act this way.

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