We have a cast of characters around here, so I thought it might be GOODe :) of me to share with you some Goode Characters to know...
Goode Ole Boy: That would be Mike, Michael, Mikey, Puddie, Pud, Dad, Daddy, Hey You-- around here ;) To know Mike is to love him. We are college sweethearts and have been married 12 years. He is truly my heart's desire and without a doubt a barrel of fun! He is a yardmaster for the railroad, song writer, guitar picker, humorous soul, Godly man's man, country boy, all-around great guy. (If you can't tell I kind of like him...) You can check out his blog: www.GOODeOleBoy.com for a chuckle.
FREEZE-o-RAMA Mama/Goode Ole Gal: That would be me: Mom, Mommy, Addie's Mom, Cris, Crissy, Puddie (wait wasn't that his name...yep things can get confusing around here... try to keep up), Pud, Doodle, Doodlebug
El: That would be Mommy's overly needy friend...my lovely elliptical machine with which I have long history of a love/hate relationship. El isn't allowed to blog...she'd tell you awful things about me.
Upta Noe Goode: Our shy, but loveable kitty that knows to run from the 3 year old ;)
Ima Too Goode: Our adventurous little tike that is always up for lovins and plenty of play time with Miss Add.