Welcome to GOODEness Gracious

We're cooking up all kinds of GOODe things with a side of life! Come on in and check out our recipes, freezer cooking, super mommy secrets and common sense commentary on the GOODe life.


Come chill with me, baby, as we cook up a month's worth of family meals in just one day. So come on into my kitchen. We'll give you all the freezer cooking tips, tricks and recipes.

Goode and Gooseberry Patch Project

Join me as I cook my way through Gooseberry Patch's Cookbook--Mom's Favorite Recipes a la the Julie/Julia project.

Super Mommy Secrets

The world is full of Super Moms just like you that make the world go round. From play rooms to board rooms, check out how my Super Mommy friends make it all happen.

It's a GOODe Life

Life is made up of moments. The funny. The ordinary. The frustrating. Join us as we share a few of ours while we live the GOODe life in the hills of Indiana.

Monday, July 18, 2011

101 Hearty Recipes- Review & Giveaway

Dear Reader-

I am really excited to share with you this next batch of recipes from the brand new 101 Hearty Recipes that Gooseberry Patch gave me to peruse and review as one of their Early Bird reviewers... 

Yeah, it's a tough job ;) But somebody's gotta do it...

You might recall that I asked your help in choosing from this delightful little book when trying to choose what to make. 

Truth be told, I review A LOT of GP cookbooks, and ya know I don't like to play favorites, but I have to tell you, this one had me torn on what to feature. I love the 101 series because of all of the pictures, and I gots to tell you that this particular one had LOTS of pictures that were a callin' me and my homestyle kitchen's name. 

You guys--as always-- came through for me! 125 of you voted and as a result you helped me pick four fantastic recipes that I whipped up this weekend along with two others that I just HAD to make... just sayin' 

First up, in the Fun & Filling section you guys chose Nacho Chicken Dip or as we kid 'round here "Not Yo Chicken Dip"... 

It is so good we want it all to ourselves. This yummy treat will be perfect for pitch-ins, get-togethers and parties. It is super quick to make and very yummy and filling.

Also from the Fun & Filling section, Miss Add and I couldn't pass up these fun "Sandwich Pops" or Sandwich on a Stick as the cookbook likes to call them. They are so versatile for those picky eaters and can be customized with all kinds of fun seasonal flavors.

Now before we go any further my family would like to thank you for choosing Farmhouse Chicken Bake from Speedy & Satisfying. 

This dish is AMAZING! We love it. You MUST try this recipe. (Coming this week)

Dude, Miss Add ate peas and so did her Daddy... just sayin'

Also from the Speedy & Satisfying section, Fancy Crescent Chicken is another Home Run. I am sooo going to wow some folks with this at some point. YUMMM-O!

In the Casual & Comforting section you guys voted for a mushroom lovers dream, White Lasagna. This yummy dish is chock full of delicious 'shrooms.

And last, but CERTAINLY not least, this Raspberry Upside Down Cake from the Baked & Buttery section blows any version of pineapple upside down cake out of the water. 

This cake's bright flavors literally pop in your mouth... and it has almonds and almond extract in it and we all know how I LOVE those flavors ;)

Now that I have given you a sneak peek into what is in store for you later this week... I am so excited to offer you a chance to win this great cookbook BEFORE you can buy it in stores thanks to Gooseberry Patch!

You are going to have LOTS of ways to enter to win. You don't have to use them all, just do the ones you want. Just make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry. 

1. Follow GOODEness Gracious through Google Friend Connect (GFC) (right sidebar)
2. Comment here and tell us one thing you'd love to see featured on GOODEness Gracious
3. Follow @crisgoode on Twitter
4. Subscribe to us via email (right sidebar)
5. Subscribe to our feed (right sidebar)
6. Check out Real Farmwives of America and follow through GFC 
7. Go to RealFarmwives.com and tell me which farmwife (or friend) you'd love to hang out with
8. Follow @realfarmwives on Twitter
9. Go to GooseberryPatch.com and come back and tell us which book you'd just LOVE to own.
10. Comment on Gooseberry Patch's Blog and tell them Cris sent you.
11. Follow @gooseberrypatch on Twitter
12. Tweet about this contest and include @crisgoode and @gooseberrypatch in your tweet

Note: We recently learned that Facebook rules prohibit contest entries to involve Facebook activity and we don't want to go to Facebook jail, so we can't have that as entries... so we came up with a few extra entries. 
Now that doesn't mean that we wouldn't love for ya 'all to stop over and say "hi" at the GOODEness Gracious Facebook Community, Gooseberry Patch Facebook Community and the Real Farmwives Facebook Community... just sayin'.

GOODe Luck!

Contest ends 7/28. Winner will have 48 hours to claim their prize. If you do not leave your email address we will not be able to contact you and you will be responsible to contact us after the public announcement. Winner's prize will not be shipped outside of the Continental U.S.

Photobucket Links featured on GOODEness Gracious are often affiliate links. GG often receives products for free to review. GG opinions are however very much Cris' own. Just try to get her to say something she doesn't believe in... dare ya ;) If you have any questions about the products or recommendations found on this blog, just pop us an email :)

69 GOODe Thoughts:

I follow on google connect because I can't get enough.

I follow you on GFC, and now I'm super hungry! Hope you have a great week!

I follow realfarmwives on twitter

I follow Real Farmwives of America through GFC

I follow @crisgoode on Twitter.

Cindy B.


I subscribe via email.

Cindy B.


I follow @realfarmwives on Twitter.

Cindy B.

I commented on Gooseberry Patch's Blog and told them Cris sent me.

Cindy B.

I follow @gooseberrypatch on Twitter.

Cindy B.

If I have to pick just one book, to cook dinner without the heat I'll pick, 101 Slow-Cooker Recipes Cookbook.

Cindy B.

I tweeted about this giveaway.

http://twitter.com/#!/ Cinbat 03

Cindy B.

I follow you through Google Friend Connect.

I subscribe to your email.

I follow RFOA through Google Friend Connect.

I'd love to hang out with you Cris!

I left a comment on GBP's 7/18 blog post that you sent me over.

I would love to have 101 Hearty Recipes to add to my GBP collection.

Email subscriber. Thanks for the chance

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

I became a GFC follower of The Real Farmwives of America.

Thanks for the chance

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

I follow through GFC. This looks terrific! :-)

I am an email subscriber!


I am pretty sure I need the 101 Slow-Cooker Recipes!!


I also subscribe to your feed.


I follow GOODEness Gracious through Google Friend Connect (GFC). (elaine1255(at)yahoo(dot)com)

I love your blog as it is. Just keep posting the kinds of things you do. (elaine1255(at)yahoo(dot)com)

I follow you on Twitter. (@sebh55)

I subscribe to your emails. (elaine1255(at)yahoo(dot)com.)

I subscribe to your feed. (elaine1255(at)yahoo(dot)com)

I follow Real Farmwives of America and follow through GFC. (elaine1255(at)yahoo(dot)com)

I would love to hang out with you, your hubby, and little girl. (elaine1255(at)yahoo(dot)com)

I follow realfarmwives on Twitter. (@sebh55) (elaine1255(at)yahoo(dot)com)

I would love to have the Gooseberry Patch book, Homemade Christmas. (elaine1255(at)yahoo(dot)com)

I commented on Gooseberry Patch's blog and told them you sent me. (elaine1255(at)yahoo(dot)com)

I Follow @gooseberrypatch on Twitter. (@sebh55) (elaine1255(at)yahoo(dot)com)

I am an email subscriber.

Andrea D.

I tweeted about the giveaway. (@sebh55) (elaine1255(at)yahoo(dot)com)

Honestly, the only thing I'd like is a way to go through the cookbook project chronologically - I know the index is there, but sometimes I don't remember if I've read it or not. I know I can go through the past posts, but that's kind of time consuming.

Content wise - don't change a thing. I love your style.

Susan email: losurymalu at cinci dot rr dot com

Thanks -

I follow on Google Friend Connect.


101 Slow-Cooker Recipes Cookbook is the cookbook I would love to own!

I follow the RFoA on GFC.


I subscribe to the Goode newsletter :) Marie

I follow Goode on Twitter! Marie

I tweet about the cookbook giveaway on Twitter Marie

I am a follower on the GFC! Marie

I am familiar with the Real Farmwives of America, follow, read and love them. Marie

I follow Real Farmwives on twitter! Marie

I follow Gooseberry Patch on twitter! Marie

I would love to own the christmas and halloween Gooseberry Patch books! Marie

I would like to see more of Super Moms Secrets :) Marie

I would like to hang with the Pioneer Woman...i've an obsession with pioneer life ever since 6th grade. I'm thinking she might be able to give me the most accurate picture of that...if not, her recipes are amazing! Marie

I follow the Real farmwives of America on twitter. Marie

I told GBP on their blog that you sent me :) Marie

I joined your email list!! Thank you GBP for leading me to you!

I would love to have the GBP "Farmers' Market Favorites" CB!!

I follow @gooseberrypatch on Twitter and would love to win!! :)

I follow @crisgoode on Twitter as well.

Lastly, I also follow @realfarmwives on Twitter too. :)

I would love to see a feature on lunch box favorites for kids!

I follow on Google Friend Connect.
Karen Gervais

I Subscribe to GOODEness Gracious via email .
Karen Gervais

I would love to have the Gooseberry Patch 101 Hearty Recipes because I don't have this one yet.
Karen Gervais

I Follow @gooseberrypatch on Twitter
Karen Gervais

I Follow @realfarmwives on Twitter
Karen Gervais

Follow @crisgoode on Twitter
Karen Gervais

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